New York Minute

Monday, 26 September 2016

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As I write this I'm currently en route back to the UK; a little dot flying somewhere over the Atlantic. I rarely sleep on planes so I figured this is the perfect way to pass the time.

Life has been quite hectic lately, having just come from a trip to Toronto, Philly and New York! I won't be back across the pond until Christmas, so I wanted to share a couple of highlights from this time around.          

The gorgeous Etsy office in Brooklyn

It's always amazing to catch up with family and I find myself so lucky to have been able to visit them both in May and August this summer, but one of the most difficult things is always saying goodbye. Goodbyes suck and anyone who lives abroad will agree! Luckily my parents have booked a little German/British trip in a few weeks so I'll see them soon.

In terms of places to eat in New York, the list is really endless, but my top 3 from this trip were Lure Fishbar, The Stanton Social and Eggloo for their amazing Hong Kong egg waffles!

Waffles from Eggloo

French onion soup dumplings from The Stanton Social

We enjoyed Frings (the Susur Lee/Drake collab) in Toronto but to be quite honest, it isn't as good as Susur's other restaurant, Lee's Lounge. Speaking of Drake... His concert in Philly was absolutely amazing!

I hope you enjoyed my little USA recap. Be on the lookout for a Munich Oktoberfest post next month... or get caught up on my experience from last year's Oktoberfest here!
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